Face Your Fears

I have always been afraid.

Afraid of bridges…….

Afraid of spiders…….

Afraid of large crowds……

Afraid of failure…….

Afraid of death…….

Afraid of public speaking…..

Fear has dictated so many decisions I have made in my life! In the last year my life has changed drastically. The changes were not my choice and not necessarily positive. As I have stated in previous blogs my physical health has declined. When I say declined, I mean I am physically unable to do many things. I won’t go into my depression and all that because I have already dwelled on that in many blog posts. 

This post is positive…..turning a negative into a positive. I decided to really put an effort into my essential oil business. This scared me so much. In order to do this I had to face my social anxiety head on! 

Guess what?! When we face our fear of failure out of the equation, great things can and will happen! I still suffer with social anxiety but with the help of my oils and a little determination, I get through it. What’s the worse that can happen? I could get a no but is that the worse? No the worse would be a huge spider on my pillow! I can handle people and I know the only time I fail is when I don’t try! Who would have thought such a negative experience could turn me into a better person! I have my goals and I will not let my fears stand in my way (unless there are spiders).